What's this you ask?
Here are some leftovers from some renos I did for her...old molding and some beadboard...yep I'm taking those back. I'm a taker backer...I think I'll back some shelves with the beadboard and trim it with the molding. There's also some plain boards as you can see in the photo..I think I'll take those too...maybe use it to actually MAKE the said shelf
Here's an old wooden love seat with not cushions...I'm gonna love this one! Maybe I should borrow my dad's hauling trailer? Yea that's what I'll do?
Here is a photo of an old table they had, the top got a little warped but I plan on taking those legs....yes mine are short but that's not what I'm thinking...I seen these cute lil coat hander racks that these babies are about to be used for.
I love this old tall apple basket, it's a little water damaged and a bit mangled but with a little love...this will look beautiful. I had to set something light with a but of weight a top it because it was smushed so that "chip" outta the top rim isn't actually a chip it's just the weight I used.
Rope, rope and more rope! They use to be fishermen, and fisher women before the business went sour. They have TONS of this lying around and old traps. This rope is perfect for making those beloved Monkeys Fist.
I already made one that night to show you all...the color of this rope will look amazing in that bathroom redo you are all aching to see, well at least I hope you are (still waiting on the floor though)
There's tons of tuts on monkey fists on you tube just search how to make a monkey fist! Some videos are better than others..but you'll find one that's right for you.
Old windows...can't have enough of them, though I'm sure the mother in law would beg to differ. Her hubba has brought a few or more of these home...can't wait to use them!
Here's a photo of an old dresser drawer and more wood! There's a complete old broken down dresser that goes to this drawer...I have a vision for these drawers...yes that is what we will call my obsessive junk hunting...visions
And LA PIECE DE RESISTANCE, I am not sure I will be able to snag this little gem from her as it was her grandmothers, Hubba's great grandmothers. I want it SOOOO badly though. It was the only thing neatly tucked away without anything thrown around it...I almost missed it because I was just rummaging through the other things I didn't think to look in the one open space in the shed. - Isn't it the most beautiful piece you've ever seen?
WELL - She is going to KILL me for this...showing people her messy place...but we all have them, some more extreme than others - others less extreme than more...it's our inner hoarder. If you don't have one of these spaces, you are obviously not creative!
If you don't see a post from me in a while, it's because she's holding me captive...
I went yardsaling that same weekend, it's no wonder we didn't have space for any of the shed finds...take a look at what I found!
Ok, so this is not a yard sale find, it's a kijiji find (aka. craig's list) I got it for 30.00 the quilt, two shams, and three cushions, it' has changed the room up a bit but still has the same color scheme, no more shower curtain at the end of the bed. This is actually not only cute but functional!

Next up we have Twilight Saga Hard Cover books. For $11.00 for the set! I priced these here are our Walmart after I finished watching the three movies for the first time only last month...yeahyea, I know I'm behind the rest of the world. ANYWAYS...they are 63.00 plus tax. YUCK so I am soooo very glad to have only paid $11.00
And the below photo I bought these cute lil cowgirl boots for my daughter for only $1.00 and a pair of brown cargo GAP shorts for my son for $1.00. The table/stand, how much you say? uhhhh .50 cents..yeah that's right .50 cents. It was obviously one of those old plant stands but they cut the top off only to not know what to do with it and think it was worthless. As I was giving her the money my friends mother asked what I was going to do with it...I told her I was going to build a new top for it and glue it on...the lady that sold it said "I never thought to do that" geesh..some people have no imaginations!
I also got a cute vanity stand and two wicker baskets (yes the basket obsession continues) for only 2.50 for the lot. Can't wait to show you the stand also featured in the new bathroom reno!
I got two large planter pots and a new mop bucket for .75 cents and a few pieces of jewellery for 1.00 each and some more books...I didn't take photos of them all but I figured I have enough photos in this post as it is.
Just discovered your blog and I'm liking it! We're retired Army so we've also moved around every so often. I'll enjoy reading about your treasure hunting and adventures.