So as per my last post...I am doing a nautical theme for my kids room. (and's still nautical this week too) I'm excited to announce I might have gotten one of these
to replace the book case they now have in their room....exciting I grandfather made a few about 3 years ago which I did not know for me...and my two aunt each got one...lucky for me one of these above mentioned aunts decided to sell hers...yes it sucks that I have to pay for it, but it's less than I would have to buy one for in the store right?? I wonder if I get a family discount non the less? Hmmmm?
ANYWAYS...that's my update for today...I'm lookin for an old boat oar for the curtain rod too...then I can post you more photos of sneak peeks and soon enough....the grand finale, so stay tuned and don't touch that dial...
SOOOO I'm about the most undeceive person I know...Cat in the Hat is out the window....mainly because it's soooo hard to find anything around here like that....and the other reason being when I was in the fabric store the other day they had the FABULOUS fabric I had fallen in love with last season ON SALE for only 3.00 a I got a metre and made these....
Then I bought some grey sheer stuff (only 2.79 for 2 metres) to cover an old barrel shade mom picked up for me at a yard sale for only 2.00 and look at it now....fab...if I do say so myself...and I do....mind you it also came with a huge headache from my kids hanging over me and stepping on the material while I was trying to wrap it...and burnt fingers from trying to glue sheer to a shade...but non the less it still was worth all the hassle
I also found a snake today and decided to get a few good shots of him....I love his colors don't you? I uploaded this photo to my facebook and tagged on of my good friends who is terrified of snakes...just because I though she would see how cute he is...not because I had intentions to make her cry...or did I ? I'll let you decide....
Then I bought some grey sheer stuff (only 2.79 for 2 metres) to cover an old barrel shade mom picked up for me at a yard sale for only 2.00 and look at it now....fab...if I do say so myself...and I do....mind you it also came with a huge headache from my kids hanging over me and stepping on the material while I was trying to wrap it...and burnt fingers from trying to glue sheer to a shade...but non the less it still was worth all the hassle
I also found a snake today and decided to get a few good shots of him....I love his colors don't you? I uploaded this photo to my facebook and tagged on of my good friends who is terrified of snakes...just because I though she would see how cute he is...not because I had intentions to make her cry...or did I ? I'll let you decide....
Well it's Been Almost 3 Months
I've been really slacking lately...on my blog and on a lot of things really...I'm about to start working and overhauling on the kids room...the decal is up, the walls are the same, I made a curtain for the bunks but now am thinking I may take my son's toddler bed out and just place the bunks side by side because I really love the look of two twin beds beside one another. My daughter and I are spending the day tomorrow weeding everything out measuring and figuring out placement...the frames have photos in them and are ready to be hung...I have a few finishing touches left as well to either look or make bedding for their beds to match one another. I hope to have an actual update for you after the weekend as it's going to be Canada Day here on Friday and we are going to be celebrating with Friends and Family! Enjoy your weekend everyone and I will be back before you know more 3 month disappearances
Sailing Away...
Hardly, but that's the theme (or not so much the theme) of my kids room. That's right...My idea for the "Nautical Theme Room" is sailing away...right out the door. My kids have now changed their minds...and quite frankly I don't blame them...thankfully the walls I just painted will go just fine with this theme as well.

Have you ever seen this movie?

I'm sure you have...but..embarrassing as it is to say, up until the other day I hadn't. I know right? What planet was I on. Some of my favorite lines "honey, it was ruined when she bought it..mmmhmmmm" and "I'll get you and it'll look like a bloody accident" and my son's personal favorite.."your FIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRRED!" at two years old he now goes around yelling "your fired" at people, not that they get it and he kind of just says rrrrrr iiiiirrrrrrrrd, and I then have to explain it's off a movie, then go into this full length story no short version of why everyone has to watch this movie. I went out and got the movie and we've seen it about 20 times since that GLORIOUS day. My son gets up in the morning and as I'm getting his breakfast ready he curls up on the couch with his blanket looks at me and says "Hat? I ont Hat peeeze mom!" I love it, and that's how we start each day. Since it's a short movie, it's not too much TV time.
And now your probably thinking...ok.....right....soooo....what is she getting at?

Why the Cat in the Hat, there's no doubt about that. :) That's what my kids want. I am super excited about it too!
Pottery Barn have some versions of this theme..and of course I'll be creating some of the awesome knock offs we all like to do from those fabulous stores, as well as some of my own twists on things.

Day One starts tomorrow with the purge, and if I have time I'll make some sketches to place on the wall for artwork, then post them here with some how too's for you all to use, if you too are cat obsessed.
Wish me luck and lets hope tomorrow doesn't end like this...

Happy Ground Hog Day Everyone!
Before you start...I KNOW...I'm a slacker....I haven't posted a good post in ages...yeah yeah yeah...It's not that I don't love you's just that there's been a lot going on to much work not enough house stuff so I can blog. I promise though (and no I'm not crossing my fingers) that I (or toes) WILL be posting soon.

In honor of Ground Hog Day...though I still have no idea if he has or hasn't seen his shadow...we are storming here and I guess it's hard...I thought I would let you all take a peek at my favorite ground hog video clip...This is sure to brighten your day.
Please click here to see Ground Hog Awesomeness's some Valentine's Day Artwork...Courtesy of yours if you don't like might hurt my lil heart!


Is anyone else as addicted to Etsy as I am? Oh My...
Lets just say some days it's caused a near divorce.
I could stay on that site all day...and still not feel fully satisfied that I've seen everything I could.
I mean it's like a little land of awesomeness.
I'm drooling....totally
Some people are so creative and talented.
I'm thinking though....I know right...
but really I am....
I'd love to start a shop...
but this time only on Etsy, and only ready made products...
this way...I can't get over whelmed like I did before with all the custom orders.
I would love to hear the imput of some of you that A. have a site of your own and/or that B. are shoppers on Etsy.
What would or do you love to shop for?
Here's one of the products I will be selling once my shop opens. This one included.

Would love love love to hear your opinions on this piece as well. How much would YOU pay for something like this (maybe if you don't like this one pretend it's colors you much would you pay for it?)

On another Spell & a new Name
well Hello There! The new year has brought a new name and a new motive for blog will pretty much be the same only more focused on my before after and finished projects!
This week I have two hats to complete because the orders given were too small...also I have to finish Emily and Cohen's curtains and bed curtains...
I won't get the bedroom FULLY finished...I know I know....I'm also getting a head of myself and buying material for my bedroom....ahhh and I've convinced my Mano to let me put some purple in there....he soooooo sweet...either that or he knows I'll do it are my inspiration photos...with real ones to follow soon (I hope)
This photos below show similar versions of what I'm looking for the first photo shows the color of my room right now which I intend to keep, just freshen up.
I'll have brown bedding with grey sheets, and dark purple accents. My floors are light wood and I'm hoping to get a good deal on a faux fur rug... :)

This photo shows how I want the tops of my curtains to look...they will be grey with a band of purple not sure if I'll use this style yet...we'll have to wait and see. If I can find a pair with grommets I'll use them

No, I'm still alive!
I bet you all thought that I was a goner...nope just extremely busy over the busy I didn't have time to take photos of any of my hand made gifts...
My intentions for this post was to post them so you could all see why I have been MIA.
I really want to show you what I've been doing so I am going to steal other peoples photos of the similar type to what I've done.
I've made a coffee cozy for a friend of mine in an Elvis Presley fabric....she's so in love with him she has him tattooed on her body. It was the perfect gift because she drinks about 3 - 4 cups of Timmies a day! yeah...I know.
I've made some glass bead magnets to go with a round magnet board I got for my best to attach to the wall and tag memo's for herself in what will one day be a craft/art room when I get her into the swing of the idea....she totally deserves a room to herself for that type of thing...

I made some ribbon etched dishcloths to match her kitchen as well.
I've made a rag quilt Super Hero style..

I've made a camera strap cover for a fellow photographer friend...sooo cute

I made some pan scrubbies & Some washer Jewellery

Quick & Easy Jewellery Solution!
I thought for a second and then WHAM....I asked her if she still had the old square frames she had on kijiji...she said yes, I went running looking for them then told her...I'll be back have to go to the dollar store...
I can back with a rubber placemat type thing that had holes in it (similar to those under the rug grippers or in between plate things so they don't slip) and some velcro...then started ripping apart the frames and took out the glass, grabbed the scissors, measured and cut the placemat to the size of the glass I took out...then...put the frame back together using the placemat instead of the glass. The I added the velcro dots to each corner of the frame...stuck the other side of the velcro to the side of her jewellery armoire and this is what it looks like!

Of course this is not ALL of her earrings I took the picture before she finished her earrings all have a place and do not take up space on her shelf! YAY ME all for $2.00
Happy Yesterday Halloween!

I just wanted to share with you the excitement we had trick or treating yesterday...although I would have better pictures but forgot to take my memory card for my when I got into the house to load them I thought...uhoh as I seen the card already sticking out of my drive slot. So here's the meezly little pictures I got..
The Funny Halloween story:
Cohen was suppose to be the Dumbo Elephant in one of the photos...only my husband took him out to one of our favorite thrift stores and showed him the monkey suit in the other photo...once he seen it he wanted to put it on...and there it stayed. My husband tried to take it off him and he flung himself on the floor taking a fit, so out the store they went wearing the costume and he stayed in it for days on end. So through my efforts to make him an elephant I needed to get at least one photo of him in it.

Cohen the scary Elephant and Lydia "aka Emily"
Moma made her costume out of cotton and flannel. If you are interested in a tutorial on how to comment below and I will set one up!

This photo was taken last year well after Halloween

The Loot!

The |sick| Monkey Trouble!
Please read my Rantings from a Crazy Person
So as most of you know my hubba has been gone : ( This I must say is sad, and amazing : ) First I'll say I love my husband he allows me to have some time to myself without the kids and sometimes when I do get the urge to clean (which in itself is a miracle) he takes the kids OUT of the house so I can do just that. BUT MAN it's been sooo nice having no where near as much laundry to do, no where near as much dirty dishes and the house stays relatively cleaner...until last may all remember my closet madness, well I'm delighted to say (BAHAHA yeah right) it's still not done! And now because I didn't finish that I decided to pull off another project. I must say at times I'm pretty "unintelligent". NOW my sons birthday is tomorrow my house is completly ripped apart...and I have to stay up all night to clean it. YAY ME...boooooooo.
Terry please come home......
So there that was my sad story and no he's not coming home for those of you who are wondering. He is coming for a visit on the weekend before returning back to the "take your spouse away to learn stupid stuff course" for another 2 weeks....but thanks for nothing that's two days too late!
On a plus note I got two wonderful packages in the mail today. One from my US swap buddy full off tons of US catalogue and one from my printing company (also US).
Note to you US's no wonder you all have such amazing things on your blogs. Apart from being totally creative you also have AMAZING inspiration cataloges PB, Ballard, Hanna Anderrson, CW kids, I could go on and on. I was buried for hours in them. My creative juices are flowing like crazy. Can't wait until this week is over with the Birthday and Halloween out of the way I'm bound to have time to whip some inspirational stuff up!
Keep your Eyes Peeled!
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