Hardly, but that's the theme (or not so much the theme) of my kids room. That's right...My idea for the "Nautical Theme Room" is sailing away...right out the door. My kids have now changed their minds...and quite frankly I don't blame them...thankfully the walls I just painted will go just fine with this theme as well.

Have you ever seen this movie?

I'm sure you have...but..embarrassing as it is to say, up until the other day I hadn't. I know right? What planet was I on. Some of my favorite lines "honey, it was ruined when she bought it..mmmhmmmm" and "I'll get you and it'll look like a bloody accident" and my son's personal favorite.."your FIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRRED!" at two years old he now goes around yelling "your fired" at people, not that they get it and he kind of just says rrrrrr iiiiirrrrrrrrd, and I then have to explain it's off a movie, then go into this full length story no short version of why everyone has to watch this movie. I went out and got the movie and we've seen it about 20 times since that GLORIOUS day. My son gets up in the morning and as I'm getting his breakfast ready he curls up on the couch with his blanket looks at me and says "Hat? I ont Hat peeeze mom!" I love it, and that's how we start each day. Since it's a short movie, it's not too much TV time.
And now your probably thinking...ok.....right....soooo....what is she getting at?

Why the Cat in the Hat, there's no doubt about that. :) That's what my kids want. I am super excited about it too!
Pottery Barn have some versions of this theme..and of course I'll be creating some of the awesome knock offs we all like to do from those fabulous stores, as well as some of my own twists on things.

Day One starts tomorrow with the purge, and if I have time I'll make some sketches to place on the wall for artwork, then post them here with some how too's for you all to use, if you too are cat obsessed.
Wish me luck and lets hope tomorrow doesn't end like this...

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