So yes it's true...I have been totally slacking on my blog posts. It's only because I've been so busy with my photography these days. This is the worst time of year for me to get anything done because people are requesting me left and right....However my blog posts are not the only thing I've been neglecting. I haven't done much around the house these days either to get ready for the colder weather or craft wise...I need to get on the ball....Soo....since my photo session madness has come to a slow down, I'm giving myself challenges every day to complete. YOU my friends will be my motivation to finish them.
From day to day I will have to alter or |remake| my list, only because I'm on my own these days with the hubba away on course and with kids nothing is a sure thing.
Here's a list of things I hope to achieve (weather and money permitting)
- Clean out dressers from summer clothes to fall/winter
- Find curtains or material and make curtains for dining room (fall/winter weight)
- Buy baseboard heater for living room and dining room
- Buy baseboard molding for living room
- Buy semigloss white paint for trim
- Buy top molding for Living Room
- Buy two rollar shades for Living Room
- Make a few Mercury Glass vases or holders
- Mow Grass and Rake Lawn
- Price facia for around house
- Install new to us patio door
- create 3 prints to order for dining room
- Hang up Sticker in Craft Room
- Clean out Craft room
Ok I think that's a long enough list for now...NOW challenge starts tomorrow I will keep you all posted and updated with photos...feel free to do the same and join me on this journey! Each day I will do my post of what I did that day and each day I will let you know what my following days job will be.
Tomorrows journey includes:
Cleaning out all the closets and drawers to fill them with fall / winter clothes
& if there is time going browsing at the Re store for some molding, roller blinds & / or cheap paint!
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